HIV and Cancer: Risks, Types, and Treatment

HIV infected People have extensively higher risk of some types of cancer compared with uninfected people. some of these cancers can develop and grow more quickly because of a weakened immune system  . People with HIV infection or AIDS are more likely to have certain other risk factors for cancer, such as being smokers, heavy alcohol use, needle sharing. certain types of cancer are more common in people with HIV than in people without it, these  types of cancers known as “AIDS-defining cancers”. These cancers include Kaposi sarcoma, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, cervical cancer, Anal cancer, Oral and oropharyngeal cancer, Lung cancer. Standard treatments for cancer include. chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, surgery

  • Chemotherapy
  • Chlamydia
  • Cancer drugs
  • Genome Editing

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